
【Roaming‧行腳】L’abbazia di Chiaravalle 求婚記中的修道院

Abbazia di Chiaravalle
L’abbazia di Chiaravale, Milan, 2 September 2007

Sunday afternoon S took me to an abbey (L’abbazia di Chiaravalle) in Milan, which he heard about from a friend. The foundation stone of the church was laid in 1135 and the construction of the church and the abbey continued for the next few centuries. This antic place is to say to have the first Gothic style in Milan; that’s why S wanted to make it a surprise for our Sunday afternoon walk.

Abbazia di Chiaravalle
L’abbazia di Chiaravale, Milan, 2 September 2007

週日的十公里步行,除了S精心設計的求婚記之外,主要是前往這座位於米蘭市郊的修道院。S從友人那兒聽說這座 12 世紀的修道院,據說修道院裡有號稱米蘭第一座哥德式象徵的教堂。事後證明,這座修道院相當地有名,但因為地處米蘭市郊,只有一路公車抵達,這裡的外國觀光客相對地少很多。

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