
【動手做】Chinese Noodle in Red Soup 中義合併的番茄牛肉湯麵

In recently years, tomato has became one of the most healthy vegetables in the world because of the benefits it provides to hearts. Nevertheless Italian has a long history of using tomatoes for making wonderful cuisines. That is probably why when I do my grocery shopping in the supermarket, I always find tones of beautiful red tomatoes. One day I was longing for noodles in soup as I always had in Taiwan or in Japan. Having considered the success rate, I decided to make what I called RED SOUP with local ingredients: tomato, carrot, onion and beef.

Chinese Noodle in Red Soup紅通通湯麵的材料有 The ingredients are:
番茄很多顆 Tomato 500g (or more)
胡蘿蔔很多根 Carrot 500g (or more)
中型洋蔥兩顆 Middle size Onion  2
超市買的牛肉塊一盒 Beef 500g

Cooking methods are:
1. Cut tomatoes and carrots into cubics; also cut onions as you wish. Because at the end onions and tomatoes will melt in the soup.
2. Scald quickly the beef and put it aside for a while.
3. Saute the onions and a little bit chopped garlic with olive oil or butter until them soft. Then add in tomato and carrot cubics. Mix them well and then put in also the scaled beef (without any water).
4. Add in basic spices such as salt and pepper. I also added rosemary, oregano, and soy sauce to make the special flavor.
5. Cook with medium to low fire for half an hour. I personally prefer using the pressure cooker. Because when using that I don’t need to add extra water for making the soup and the carrot and beef become very soft and juicy. Without using pressure cooker, it is necessary to add some water for making the soup.
6. Boil another pot of water for Chinese noodles. Cook and drain them based on the instructions on the package.
7. Finally put prepared Chinese noodles in big bowl, add sufficient soup and then serve.

1. 首先將胡蘿蔔及番茄都切成塊,洋蔥也可以隨意地切幾刀。因為到最後,洋蔥跟番茄都會化在湯裡頭,所以形狀不是太重要的。
2. 買來的牛肉若是一大塊,請自行切成小丁,然後用熱水川燙去血水。撈起後放在旁邊備用。
3. 用橄欖油或奶油炒香切好的洋蔥及一些大蒜,然後將番茄及胡蘿蔔塊一併放入翻炒均勻。最後再放入牛肉一起拌炒。
4. 加入基本的調味料如鹽及胡椒。因為是中義合併的關係,我還加入了義大利常用的rosemary 及 oregano,以及台灣常用的醬油。量多少就看個人喜好,我只加了很少許的醬油,增添一點點的風味而已。
5. 用中小火慢慢燉煮。因為我是使用壓力鍋的關係,我並沒有額外地添加水,讓蔬菜本身的水份完全地煮出成為一鍋好喝的湯。如果沒有壓力鍋的幫忙,則需要加入適量的水。
6. 另外起一鍋水來煮中式麵條。煮麵的方法遵循張媽的教導,水滾之後三點水,也就是加入三次冷水,之後確定麵條的軟硬度適中之後,才將麵條撈起瀝乾。
7. 將麵條擺入大碗中,然後再加入已經煮好的湯,一大碗的紅通通湯麵就上桌囉!!

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