
【隨手記】15 giugno 2007: abbiamo fatto un giorgo lungo per il lavoro di S

星期四下午,S傳來個訊息問,以我現在護照及簽證,能不能到瑞士呢?心裡一喜,難道最近工作過頭的S良心發現,要帶我到瑞士遊山玩水?趕緊到瑞士商務辦事處的網站查詢,然後開心地告訴他,可以耶~我現在所擁有由義大利在台辦事處所發出的申根簽證 (valid Schengen visa) 可以讓我在簽證有效期間進出瑞士。S這才說,他會這麼問的原因是因為,隔天他為了要蒐集一些資料,所以要到法國及德國一趟,中間會經過瑞士。而這趟來回長達一千公里的旅程,他希望有我陪伴。嗯,雖然不是想像中的雙人旅遊,但能夠一整天都跟親愛的S在一起,哪還有什麼好抱怨的呢。

Thursday afternoon S sent a message asked whether I can enter Switzerland with my current documents. Hmm? Is that possible that S, my overstressed workaholic, decided to have a day off? Checked immediately the website of Trade Office of Swiss Industries (TOSI) about visa requirements, I told S that since I have the valid Schengen visa issued by Italian Economic, Trade and Cultural Promotion Office in Taipei (IETCPO), I can enter Switzerland without any problem.

But why? S said because he needed to go to France and Germany for work on Friday and the shortest way to go is to across Switzerland. He would like to have me traveling with him since the journey is going to be 1000 kilometers. Although this trip is far from my ideal one but I won’t complain because I’ll spend the whole day with my love.

Switzerland view when driving on the highway

天公偏偏不作美,星期五出發就已經是陰天,過了義瑞邊境,雨勢從原來的紛紛細雨隨著越往北去而增強,不愛開長程車的S為此而更加地惱火。等我們好不容易抵達法國都已經是中午 12:30 ,匆匆地在法國邊界地 Mulhouse 待了兩個小時後,隨即轉往德國的 Freiburg。不幸的是前一天在網路上查詢好的資料並不真正符合他工作上的要求,因此在沒有地圖、沒有 GPS 的情況之下,我們只能靠著他與公司連絡之後得到的訊息,憑著直覺尋找下一個調查的地點。大概是我們兩人加起來的念力夠強,我們倒是沒有在不認識的地方迷路太久,找到可以調查的地點後,也是匆匆地待著兩小時,又趕著上路回米蘭。

Switzerland view when driving on the highway

回程的路上已經不再下雨,仍有點陰霾的天空偶爾透出一點點的陽光,一路上幾乎沒有停下來休息過,連續開了五個小時車,等到回到米蘭,也已經將近十一點。一整天只在上午十一點多吃過一點東西的我們,真的只能用又餓又累來形容,隨意吃了一點東西之後,兩人就昏睡過去了。經過這一天十幾個小時的旅程之後,S便下定決心買了 TomTom,因為這一趟旅程中,我們深刻地體會到在有意外狀況發生時,沒有 GPS 導航系統,實在是讓人有點吃不消。而我,雖是苦中作樂地覺得這趟旅程讓我首度踏入瑞士、欣賞連在高速公路兩旁都美麗的景色,但希望下次我們可以更優閒、更仔細地探訪瑞士美麗的湖光山色呢。
Switzerland view when driving on the highway
Unfortunately the weather was terrible on Friday. We started driving in the rain while approaching the boarder of Italy and Switzerland. The more we were toward north, the heavier it rained. S dislikes driving for long hours in general and such heavy rain worsen the situation. Guess you can image how pissed off he was. What even worse was that before we were unexpectedly forced to stop for half an hour before entering the longest tunnel in Switzerland. Finally when we arrived our first stop Mulhouse in France, it was already 12:30. We quickly did what we were supposed to do and drove 40km further to Freiburg in Germany.

To our surprise the information we had found prior departure was not enough; S cannot collect sufficient information for his work. Without knowing anywhere, we can only relied on S calling back to office to get directions and information. We were somehow lucky with our instincts because we found the place without having maps or navigator. Quickly did what we wanted to do, we were again on the way back to Milan. Fortunately the weather was better; at least we could enjoy a little bit view and sunset. S drove us home continuously for almost 5 hours without stopping or eating somewhere. When we arrived home, it was already 11pm. We were completely exhausted after such day-journey!

Switzerland view when driving on the highway

After this, S bought immediately a TomTom because we both agreed that when something unexpected happened, it would be better to have a navigator which can at least tell us how to get to our destination or back to home. And even though I was happy to be able to to to Switzerland for the first time but I’d prefer to visit this beautiful country when we have more time for the details.

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