
【饞嘴分享】十二燒居酒屋 12YAKI

20070526 十二燒 (1)The Saturday before my birthday, I had a dinner appointment with friends from Leiden University. I was lucky that day because my brother was in a good mood and drove me to the restaurant "12YAKI". Even though with the little help from GPS, we cannot find the proper location easily mainly because there are so many allies in the neighborhood of "12YAKI".

生日前的星期六,其實早就約好了萊頓的同學,只不過是從原本計畫的郊遊改成了在市區吃晚飯,而梁姑娘選的,便是延吉街巷弄裡的居酒屋『十二燒』。那天我真是好運氣呀!老弟心情不錯,主動提及開車送我到跟朋友相約的地點,這麼難得的機會,說甚麼都要把握。老弟展示著手機上的 GPS,打算一路不會轉錯彎地準時把我送到,但,忠孝東路延吉街一帶的巷弄之多,即使有 GPS 的幫助,我們仍是找了一會兒才找到這間『十二燒』。

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Friends already ordered tones of food before I arrived. I was glad they did it because during the day I merely had anything serious and I could enjoy the warm delicious food right away after arrival.

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It was a pity, however, because I didn’t have chance to remember all the names of the dishes. But who cares? I had a great time talking with friends and I enjoyed the food very much.

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One thing that I don’t quite understand is that the restaurant has smoking and non-smoking areas. These two areas are not separated by anything significant; they are next to each other. In other words when we sat at non-smoking area, we still can feel when people over smoking area enjoyed their cigarettes. You won’t find this mixed situation in Italy because it is forbidden to smoke inside any restaurant or any other indoor public places.

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20070526 十二燒 (12)
20070526 十二燒 (3)20070526 十二燒 (7)20070526 十二燒 (8)

20070526 十二燒 (10)店家資訊:十二燒
02-2752-2099 (捷運忠孝敦化站)

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