
【Musica 樂章】藍調的 Alligator Nail

One of S’ best friends is a musician called Giorgio Peggiani. They went to university together but after graduation, Giorgio decided to follow his heart to play music, especially blues and jazz. The instrument he played s harmonica and the band he’s played with is called Alligator Nail. The vocal of the band, Stephanie, is also Giorgio’s girlfriend. She has a beautiful voice and is talented in painting. Last Saturday (16 June) they had a small concert at Lodi, a neighbor city of Milan, for Lodi Blues Festival. Here I share with you some pictures and videos of that day.

S的好朋友真的是來自四面八方,其中一位是跟他一起唸大學的音樂家 Giorgio Peggiani。他在大學畢業之後,便決定要朝著自己有興趣的音樂發展,他所使用的樂器是口琴,而所創作的音樂則以藍調及爵士為主。目前他有自己的樂團,名為 Alligator Nail;樂團的女主唱則是跟 Giorgio  一起創作音樂的他的女友 Stephanie。她除了有一副天生的好歌喉之外,更是一個有天分的畫家。上星期六 (6 月 16 日)  樂團在米蘭鄰近的一個小城市 Lodi,替接下來為期兩個半月的 Lodi Blues Festival 做開場的演出,贏得了當地居民的熱愛。以下就是當天的一些照片及一些錄影片段。

W W Blues
For the other three videos please watch them at YouTube since S reminded me that it might take too long to load the page with all these videos.

Sittin’ on top of the world http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoZjZZ4XP0Y
Saint James infirmary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_HyxPtO10o
4th song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AWjKrGGzbQ


Giorgio Peggiani http://www.giorgiopeggiani.it/
Stephanie Ghizzoni http://www.steph-blues.com/
Lodi http://www.comune.lodi.it/
Lodi Blues Festival 2007 http://www.lodiblues.com/

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