
【Photo‧寫真】Wild lavender and hard-working bees 誘蜂的野生薰衣草

Lavender and bees

Lavender and Bee
Time: 13 June 2007
Place: Cadorna Station in Milan

帶著相機出門,因為語言學校也有校外教學。下午正常上課,上完課,上午的陰霾也被太陽趨走。走往天天經過的 Cadorna 車站,發現一大叢的薰衣草,走近,發現這薰衣草吸引的不只是我,還有一大群的蜜蜂。米蘭的蜜蜂大概跟鴿子一樣不怕人,他們自顧自地在紫色花朵間採蜜,根本無暇顧及我這個帶著相機、拼命拍照的東方人。

AI, the language school I attend, arranged a study trip to Duomo & Università degli Studi di Milano for today’s morning class. Therefore I had my new camera with me all day. After the afternoon class, the lovely sun appeared shining the entire street. I walked to the Cadorna station as I do everyday but found a huge bunch of lavender. Apparently this bunch of purple flowers attract not only me but also some hard-working bees. Either these bees were too busy collecting honey to notice me, or they are just not afraid of people like those pigeons at Dumo square.

Lavender and bees

Lavender and Bee
Time: 13 June 2007
Place: Cadorna Station in Milan

Lavender and bees

Lavender and Bee
Time: 13 June 2007
Place: Cadorna Station in Milan

Lavender and bees

Lavender and Bee
Time: 13 June 2007
Place: Cadorna Station in Milan

Lavender and bees

Lavender and Bee
Time: 13 June 2007
Place: Cadorna Station in Milan

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