
【Roaming‧行腳】Autumn + Montain 山間秋景

20071102 San Lorenzo (1)

While most of the Americans are celebrating Halloween on 31st October, the Italians and other Europeans are preparing the All Saints Day, the 1st November. It arrives on Thursday this year; therefore most Italian companies do not work on Friday in order to give employees a comfort and long weekend. S and I had already planned to return San Lorenzo in Banale for the "Sagra della Ciuìga", a festival of local food.

20071102 San Lorenzo (2)

Because of the traffic, we gave up driving on the go-and-stop highway and took the alternatives home. Oh, I always appreciate the view when driving alone the Italian’s country roads; and this time, the autumn makes it more appreciable. When we finally arrived home, what in front of us is a view that you can probably find in paintings, so colorful, so peaceful and so wonderful.

20071102 San Lorenzo (6)

11 月的第一天是天主教中的諸聖節,在義大利,這天是國定假日。今天適逢週四,義大利的公司也算是給員工福利似地,連續地連週五都放假一天。我跟S早就打算好了這週要回山上的家中,除了參加 諸聖節這天在墓地的禮拜之外(註1),也要參加小鎮的美食嘉年華。一連四天的假期讓高速公路上的車潮驚人,一路開開停停的狀況下,S早就失去了耐心,因此我們改走省道,以避開車潮。
20071102 San Lorenzo (7)


註1:在 11 月 1 日的這天,通常義大利人會到墓地去替過世的先人們送上鮮花,同時在這天,在墓地也會舉行一場為了紀念先人的彌撒。S跟S姐雖然因為個人因素所以平常很少上教堂,但對於已經過世的父親卻是充滿了尊敬,因此他們答應S媽每年的這天,一定會陪同到墓地參加彌撒。


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