
【隨手記】27 giugno: Una cartolina di AC Milan

AC Milan postcard

When I first saw this postcard, it was on our desk. I looked at it and thought how did it arrive here. I asked S the same question; he answered jauntily that he found this card at the bar one day when he went out for lunch. He never paid attention to any free postcard but it is different this time. Because this postcard is dedicated to AC Milan, the team he has supported over years and the champion of 2007 UEFA Champions League!

第一次看到這張明信片時,她是靜靜地躺在我們家那張充當書桌的飯桌上。我左看右看,怎麼也想不起什麼時候拿過這張免費的明信片,看著一旁的S,我開口問他這張明信片哪兒來的?他一派輕鬆地說,就那天出去吃中飯的時候,在餐館裡看到的。嘖,原來這張明信片跟別的不一樣,才會使這位平常不注意明信片的老兄主動伸手。明信片上頭足球隊 AC Milan 的標誌大大地掛著,雖是由知名運動用品廠商贊助,但這張明信片擺明了是獻給S最愛的球隊 AC Milan,也就是今年歐洲冠軍盃的得主。
AC Milan postcard (front)The same postcard I sent to two friends: one lives in Taiwan who likes collecting postcards because she always posts pictures about those cards she received on her blog. The other friend who is also my junior in MBA program and a super fan of AC Milan lives in Rotterdam at the moment.

同一張明信片,我分別寄給兩位朋友。一位是住在台灣的朋友熱氣球,透過她的部落格我知道她也是個喜歡收到明信片的人。另一位住在鹿特丹,她除了是我 MBA 的後輩之外,更是 AC Milan 的台灣球迷代表。

The funny thing is that today the friend in Taiwan sent me a message telling me that she received my postcard today. While explaining the meaning of this card, I wondered whether the other card also arrived since I posted them on the same day. 
"Has the postcard arrived in Rotterdam?"
"Hmm, strange because the other one I sent on the same day already made its way to Taiwan."
"Maybe the Dutch postman doesn’t like AC Milan, so he destroyed the postcard." (I laughed)
"What? Is it a card of AC Milan? >"< " Few more sentences later she said "I hope it will arrive tomorrow!"
 (Above conversation is not completely translated… but I’m sure readers can get a feeling how disappointed she is at the moment.)

AC Milan postcard (back)有趣的是,同一天寄送的明信片,越洋的已經在今天寄到台灣的朋友手中,她在 MSN 上已經跟我確認。但只不過是跨國、相隔 1200 公里左右的那張,竟然還沒寄到鹿特丹的球迷妹手中。球迷妹的失望可以從以下的對話中看出
球迷妹:還沒哩 噗
我:哈 寄不見囉~ 寄回台灣的都已經收到了說
球迷妹:嗚 不會吧
球迷妹:嗚嗚嗚 不要啦 我要真的明信片
我:那看看荷蘭跟義大利的郵差有沒有認真囉 (其實我也不確定究竟是哪裡出問題)
球迷妹:通常可能義大利比較不認真 噗,不過我同學上次寄給我的很快就收到了耶
我:嗯 可能是鹿特丹的郵差不喜歡 AC Milan,所以就把明信片銷毀吧~~ 哈哈 (我真是太壞了~)
球迷妹::| 莫非是米蘭明信片??? (球迷妹現在才發現我是寄重要文件耶~)
我:哈哈~~~ 對呀 跟 AC Milan 大大有關的明信片呀
球迷妹::'( 那一定要收到啦 :'(你上禮拜寄的對不 真的連台灣都收到了嗎
我:對呀 一起寄的唷 不過我也忘了是幾號寄的 照理說 應該荷蘭比較早收到啦
球迷妹:喵 希望明天能收到 (球迷妹真乖,總是對 AC Milan 保持信心,連小小一張明信片都不例外)

Well, keep the faith, the postcard will arrive in Rotterdam eventually because just like the slogan on the card "Impossible is Nothing!"

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