
【Lago di Como‧湖濱週末】Como 的大教堂 Duomo di Como

Facciata del Duomo di ComoDuomo, even though the best known is the one in Milan, is merely an generic term to say cathedral in Italian. Found one in Como, therefore, sounds quite normal. Since in general duomo is the principle church of a city; it is usually highly decorated. Como’s Duomo is exactly one of them.

就字面上翻譯 duomo 不過是義大利文中教堂的意思,因此,除了最有名的米蘭大教堂之外,在每個義大利城市都會發現這麼一個 Duomo。同時,Duomo 又是該城市的首要教堂,在那個政治與宗教結合的年代,多數的 duomo 都經過高度的裝飾,就昔日的角度而言,那些不過是錦上添花的裝潢,但在幾百年後的今日,眼前的美輪美奐都是歷史上重要的藝術作品。

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Duomo di Como (15)One can say that Como’s Duomo itself is an demostration of how Italian art and architecture evolved. The construction of duomo started at the end of 14 century (1396) on the base of an ancient church dated 9th century. This construction had gone through almost 350 years and finished around 1740. Long construction period made Como’s Duomo to adopt several different style, from medieval to renaissance / gothic to baroque. I would say although Como’s Duomo is not as famous as the one in Milan, but it definitely has its own charms.

Como 的大教堂根米蘭的大教堂在建築的時間上,恐怕是不分上下,但 Como 的大教堂在建築風格上卻是融合了幾世紀不同的特色。花了近 350 年才蓋好的 Como 大教堂,歷經了義大利藝術史上最重要的文藝復興時期,因此在此教堂內,不旦可以略見中古時期的風格,更可以發現哥德式建築的特色,及巴洛克風格帶來的華麗。雖然不如米蘭大教堂那般地有名,但 Como 大教堂卻更有自己的特色。

We found this astronomical device on the south wall of the Duomo. People should be able to tell the date by looking at the small circle inside the shadow.
Duomo di Como (10)
This is probably the most beautiful rose window I’ve ever taken.
在 Como 大教堂裡有這麼一個美麗的彩繪玻璃窗。

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