
【Lago di Como‧湖濱週末】Como’s proud Alessandro Volta 義大利科學家 Volta

Il panorama dal Faro Voltiano

Apart from beautiful view, Como has another proud – Alessandro Volta, "an Italian physicist known especially for the development of the electric battery in 1800." (quoted from Wikipedia) Two places were built to honor this great physicist who brought the idea of storing electric into the world: one is the famous Tempio Voltiano (Volta’s Tempo). It situates alone the lake and exhibits Volta’s important inventions. The other one is the Faro Voltiano (the lighthouse) above Como, at Brunate.

除了美景之外,Como 城還有一個值得全義大利驕傲的科學家 Alessandro Volta。他出生於 Como 並在 19 世紀初提出了電池的概念,拿破崙更是因為他的偉大發現而封他為伯爵。因此在鄰近的區域裡,有兩個景點是為了紀念他的貢獻而設立的:一個是位在 Como 湖畔的 Tempio Voltiano,雖說是 tempo 但其實只是因為有古時神殿的造型,但裡面則是小型的博物館,展示著 Volta 的發明。另一處,則是在 Brunate 的山上的燈塔 Faro Voltiano,從燈塔上則是可以看到另人讚嘆的部份 Como 湖全景。

Faro Voltiano (1)

The lighthouse Faro Voltiano
Tempio Voltiano (1)

Tempio Voltiano

Although having all the respect to this great Italian inventor, S and I just cannot e serious about his initial – A Volta. We’ve always liked playing with words and this time Mr. Volta became Mr. Once since volta in Italian is used to present frequency.

一向愛開玩的我們,面對如此重要的科學家,雖有滿懷的尊敬,但仍是忍不住地拿他的名字大做文章。在燈塔及紀念神殿上都有寫著大大地 A. Volta,我則是稱他為『一次先生』,因為,volta 在義大利文中也是用來表示次數的字。

Tempio Voltiano (2)Tempio Voltiano (3)
Tempio Voltiano (4)Tempio Voltiano (5)Tempio Voltiano (6)

At the lighthouse we found ourselves standing at a place where you have the panoramic view of the south-west part of Como Lake. I took several pictures trying to make a good panorama. Since I didn’t pay much attentions about the light at that time, the panorama shown at the very beginning of the article was a little bit sloppy. Nevertheless I hope people who read this article can get an idea how it looks like.
Faro Voltiano (2)Faro Voltiano (3)
Brunate 的燈塔則是一個可以將西南側的 Como 湖盡收眼底的至高點。我試著模仿專家拍很多張照片,然後回家拼成全景圖,但因為拍照時沒有特別注意光線等因素,製作出來的全景圖相當地醜,但至少可以讓大家有個概念,站在那兒可以看到甚麼樣的景色。

註:看不到圖的朋友,請試著連上 Picasa 觀看相簿 Weekend at Como Lake (Lago di Como, Italy)

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