
【Musica 樂章】德州藍調的 Church of the FONZ, Taxas Blues

S and I enjoyed a well-deserved Saturday; we stayed home relaxing. Before we went out for dinner, S was contacted by friends who happened to be at neighborhood. Since our dinner preference wasn’t quite inline with theirs, we decided to meet them afterwards at Nidaba Theatre. Nidaba Theatre, as I mentioned in the earlier article, is one of the places S like to go very much. Ever since S introduced it to me, I can say I fall in love with this little tiny pub that full of jazz and blues at all time.

我跟S享受了一個相當居家悠閒的周六,在我們出門用餐之前,S的朋友打了電話來邀約。不過我們的計畫跟他們的不太相同,因此放棄一起吃晚餐,我們改約稍晚在 Nidaba Theatre 小酌。像我之前寫過的,Nidaba Theatre 是S相當喜歡的一個小酒館,當我認識這個地方之後,我也喜歡這個小小但充滿爵士及藍調音樂的空間。
Saturday night the show on its tiny stage was brought by a 3-boy band called Church of the FONZ. S and I were amazed by their performance since they started playing. We cannot help noticing that the guitar, Paolo, was fantastic; apparently he also enjoyed very much playing music! According to Max, Nidaba’s owner, these three boys have started playing together two years ago. S and I both agreed that they must have the right chemistry among them. Again, here are some videos & pictures I would like to share.

周六夜晚的演出,是由一個三人樂團所帶來的。這個樂團名為 Church of the FONZ,而當他們開始演出後,我跟S便被他們的音樂給深深吸引住。我們無法不注意那個一直有著怪表情的吉他手,比我更懂音樂的S對於他的演出更是讚賞有佳。Nidaba 的老闆告訴我們,他們這個樂團也不過成立兩年的時間,我跟S都認為,他們應該是相當地志同道合,在舞台上才能展現如此的默契,有著專業的演出呢!當天我也拍了一些照片,及側錄下來的一些音樂,在這裡跟大家分享唷!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nw1_kQI0fP4]
For other videos please click the following links to watch at YouTube, thanks!
其他的音樂,請點擊下方的連結到上 YouTube 觀賞,謝謝!

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