
【Photo‧寫真】Early summer bloom 綻放的初夏

S and I went back to San Lorenzo for the weekend. While he went to a close friend’s wedding, I stayed home taking pictures and playing with kids. Flowers in San Lorenzo always amaze me; perhaps it only because they are rarely-seen objects to me.

S跟我在週五下午逃跑回山上的S家過周末,週六一整天,S單身赴約好友的婚禮,而我就留在家裡玩S的姪子跟姪女,也順便練習拍小花小草。San Lorenzo 的花花草草總是讓我驚艷,不過大部分原因應該是我少見多怪吧!tounge smile

Flowers (3)
// Click to see more pictures on Flickr 繼續看更多的花花草草… // http://www.db798.com/pictobrowser.swf

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