
【Musica 樂章】Felice Cosmo

21st April was a big day for one of S’ friends. We were invited to the wedding ceremony and the party afterwards. The wedding ceremony was held in a small town called Gargnano near the famous Largo di Garda. They decided to have a civil-style wedding. Although I will not know how the religious style looks like until next wedding on Sunday, I like very much its simplicity and coziness. I guess solemnity is not much inline with groom’s personality! tounge smile

週末,我們到北義大利最大的湖 Lago di Garda 畔,參加了友人的婚禮。在小鎮舊市政府裡舉辦的公證結婚,儀式簡單又溫馨,參與的親友們都被邀請至山上的 Villa 一邊用餐、一邊分享新人的喜悅。新人們為增添宴會氣氛而請來了一位鋼琴家演奏,一開始,他彈奏的是一般人都能夠接受的西洋老歌,其實,也沒什麼人注意聽。

Felice Cosmo played at friend's wedding party

Felice Cosmo played at friend's wedding partyThe wedding party was held at Hotel Villa Sostaga, a prestigious place on the mountain. The couple had invited a pianist, Felice Cosmo, to play nice music for the party. During the party, he played some golden oldies yet unfortunately most people didn’t pay attention to. Later after most guests left, S and the groom started talking about music with him. Perhaps the conversation gave Felice more inspirations; he played two impromptus for us.

而當賓客紛紛離去後,新郎官跟S開始跟這位名為 Felice Cosmo (Happy Space) 的鋼琴家深入地談起音樂,這時,Felice 彈奏的,便是精彩的即興了!



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