
【動手做‧cucina】Pure experiment 青蘆筍燉飯

Risotto al Pesto con asparagoAfter attending another wedding on Sunday, we were tired because of the length and also because of the volume of drinking and eating.

Monday was a bridge holiday as it is called in Italy because Tuesday was a National Holiday. We decided to stay home relaxing and working a little. Having tasted a great risotto dish during the wedding party, I told S that we will try to imitate it by using similar ingredients.

星期日參加完S的另一個朋友的婚禮後,我們已經累壞。不光是因為義式婚禮總是花上一天,還更因為大量的飲食,讓身體有點吃不消。幸好因為週二是五一勞動節的關係,S的公司選擇在星期一彈性放假 (還不用補班),我們可以趁機在家休息。


The unusual ingredient here is pesto. Usually we don’t warm it up and use it directly as a sauce for spaghetti. This time, we have to try to blend pesto into risotto.


Making this risotto is the same as making any other risotto. I usually start with sauté onions using a little bit butter and then some olive oil. When the onions are ready, I put in other ingredients, this time the asparagus, and continue to sauté for few minutes over medium-to-low heat. Put in rice and continue to stir till they are perfectly mixed. Oh… at this moment, don’t forget to add some dry white wine to give additional flavor.

Add stock slowly and stir carefully for 15-20 minutes, depends on the type of rice and its quantity. S and I like to taste the rice before we say it’s ready. When it is ready, stir rice with a little bit butter and cheese. In the meanwhile, put in as much pesto as you want. Continue stirring for 2-3 minutes until you feel difficult to go on. We like to serve it on a flat plate because then the risotto won’t burn our tongues.

這道燉飯的作法跟之前寫過的燉飯,這次最重要的是,pesto 青醬必須要最後才加入!我們喜歡用平底的大盤子來乘裝 risotto,因為這樣燉飯接觸空氣的機會較大,也不較不容易燙口囉~

Especially thanks to our lovely friend who visit us that day and be our experimental rat of this dish. Che coraggioso! Grazie mille

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