
【動手做】Risotto GreenPeace 綠色和平

Risotto GreenPeaceThis dish has nothing to do with that NGO named GreenPeace. It might have a tiny little micro relation with the Earth Day, Sunday the 22nd, when S suffered hangover from the wedding party. It is, anyway, another dish that S and I decided to give it a name.

這燉飯跟綠色和平組織扯不上關係,若要勉強地牽涉,只跟我想替在世界地球日 (週日) 宿醉的S,煮份營養晚餐有關。只是這燉飯,又成了我們兩個玩取名遊戲的對象。

Green Peace was my idea. S was quite impressed by this brilliant name because he connected this name even further: Green Peace vs. green peas. When he realized that I gave this name only because of it color, he just couldn’t stop laughing about my simplicity. I have to admit that although English is not our mother tongue, S is far more intelligent in playing words than I am.

取名為綠色和平是我的主意,而S也大表贊同。不過我們兩個想得可差了一大截,他想的是 Green Peace 與 green peas (綠色的豆子) 諧音,而我則只是單純地想著顏色而已。雖說英文不是我們兩個的母語,但S仍在玩文字遊戲上佔了拉丁語系的優勢呢!



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