
【生活 Life】8-hour strike 罷工八小時

iGoogle Bustop rainny
S called urgently when he stepped into the cap he reserved this morning. He really knew when to call because I just walked into the bathroom for something important. I rushed out but missed the call. Grabbed the mobile, I went back to finish unfinished business and called "Have you tried to call?" Oh, well, yes of course he did. He forgot to tell me there’s a strike today but only limited hours. "Check ATM later," he said.

ATM means ‘Azienda Trasporti Milanesi S.p.A.’, the transportation company of Milan. We always use it to see how to arrive our destinations using which means of transportation. Quite convenient I would say. (It reminds me 9292ov.nl, a similar website for searching public transportation in the Netherlands.) Some announcements are also with English version which allow me to understand the information quicker.

ATM 就是米蘭負責大眾運輸的公司,在網站上可以查詢到點對點的交通方式,對不太喜歡在市區開車的我們而言,是個好用的工具。在網站上的公告中,也有部份是有英文版本,相信是為了便利在米蘭居住的外籍人士及遊客們。

Okay, back to strike. The strike of today (May 4th) will be for 8 hours. Having lived in Europe for three years, I have been trained to understand this kind of thing even though I am from a country where public transportation service strike is nearly impossible. What surprise me is that the 8-hour strike is not the one that runs for continuous 8 hours. whatchutalkingabout smile


The strike is from 8:45 am till 3:00 pm and from 6:00 pm till 7:45 pm. Wow but how does it work? If I was still on the bus at 5:59 pm, what will the driver do when it is 6:00 pm? What about in metro which is underground?  I have too many questions… confused smile

罷工的時間是從早上 8:45 到下午 3 點,然後再從下午 6 點到 7:45。這對我而言當然好,因為在下午三到六點,我得要出門上義大利文,只是這罷工怎麼個罷法呀?如果我 5:59 還在公車上,司機會不會在六點時把我踢下公車?還是就停在路旁?那如果搭地鐵,剛好在黑黑的隧道裡呢?呃~還是別想的好~

Anyway, check out ATM website www.atm-mi.it for latest information if you planed to visit Milan and use public transportation.

相關資訊:ATM website www.atm-mi.it (建議到米蘭自助遊的朋友,如需使用大眾運輸,可先查詢該網站…)

註 1: 上面的圖是 iGoogle theme "Bus Stop" 在雨天時的畫面,這個 theme 會因為天氣狀況的不同而改變唷!【分享】我的 Google 個人化首頁 有更多說明唷~

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