
【Music 樂章】週末夜的 swing

20070414 Nidaba Theatre

Saturday night, the day after the unfortunate 13th Friday, is the perfect moment for merrymaking with friends. In the familiar neighborhood, S and his friend led me to a small yet cozy bar, Nidaba Theatre. The joyful music flew out when the door opened. It was the night when the swing band, the STARLITERS, played.

星期六的夜晚,是屬於歡愉的,除了與友享受美食外,若有音樂搭配,那對這夜的美好更是有畫龍點睛的效果。我跟S對於新世代的電子搖頭樂一向都真的只能搖頭說『不懂』,但對我所謂的舊派音樂,如 Jazz、Blues 或古典,我們卻是極度地崇拜。

20070414 Nidaba Theatre (1)

I always enjoy very much this type of music, especially when it is live and is played in a cozy place like Nidaba. Before taking MBA, S went there quite often since the bar is around the corner to where he used to live. The owners, a friendly couple, recognized him immediately and started warmhearted chitchats. Almost immediately I felt in love with this place where LIVE music is played almost everyday. Think we will go there quite often in the future.

在我們用餐的區域,有一間S以前經常去的小酒吧,名為 Nidaba Theatre。這間小酒吧經常性地有樂團演出,而這夜,在台上賣力演出的便音樂型態以 swing 為主的 STARLITERS。趁著S跟酒吧老闆敘舊的同時,我近距離地看著舞台上音樂家與擠滿小酒吧的聽眾用音樂交流…我的確是懷念這樣的音樂呀!
Some more pictures & music videos to share with.

20070414 Nidaba Theatre (2)20070414 Nidaba Theatre (3)
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