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【義酒迷五分鐘閱讀】來自阿爾卑斯山多湖區的甜點酒 Vino Santo Trentino

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說到甜點酒,義酒迷大多聽說過 Vin Santo,不過你聽過 Vɪɴᴏ Sᴀɴᴛᴏ Tʀᴇɴᴛɪɴᴏ 嗎?

Most Italian-wine lovers know about Vin Santo, how about Vɪɴᴏ Sᴀɴᴛᴏ Tʀᴇɴᴛɪɴᴏ? (English at the end.) 


💛 這甜酒是用 Trentino 區最有資格稱原生品種的 Nosiola 白葡萄品種釀造;

🧡 葡萄採收後,為期約五個月的風乾期在復活節前的聖週 (Holy Week) 結束,風乾後的葡萄大約只有原來的 50-80%;

🧡 風乾期間,這些乾扁葡萄也將常會受到貴腐菌 (noble rot) 的青睞

💙 產區在多湖谷 (Lakes Valley),來自南方加達湖的歐拉風,在葡萄生長期及風乾期都扮演相當重要角色;

💚 自 2012 年 Vino Santo Trentino 正式成為慢食衛戍的一員;僅有約 10-15 間酒莊/小農釀造此款酒,年均總生產量約不到 5 萬瓶

❣️ 帶有乾杏桃、超熟蜜桃、蜂蜜、辛香料、無花果等飽滿香氣是此酒的特色,但要從好喝到極品,酸度與甜度的和諧均衡是關鍵!

💓 最後你還要知道的,就是這是我最愛的甜酒款啦! 🥰😇 

對了,Trentino 的小農酒莊們通曉物盡其用的道理,用來釀 Vino Santo Trentino 的風乾葡萄在榨汁之後,葡萄渣會被蒸餾成為 Grappa del Vino Santo,放置在曾經用來陳釀 Vino Santo 橡木桶中熟成,圓潤複雜多層次,不遜於干邑、雅馬邑,值得細細品味。

〖延伸閱讀:【義酒迷五分鐘閱讀】認識北義特倫蒂諾.上阿迪杰 (Trentino – Alto Adige) 產區

20190225150221 7Here are the facts about Vino Santo Trentino:

💛 It is made of indigenous Nosiola (white) grapes;

🧡 Botrytis Cinerea might affect bunches during the drying process which last from harvest till Holy Week 😇;

💙 It is from the area called Valle dei Laghi (Lakes Valley) where the constant warm breeze 💨 from Garda Lake (Ora del Garda) passes through to keep the climate ideal;

💚 It became Slow Food Presidia in 2012 👍🏻;

💜 Only a handful of wineries or “vignaioli” produce it with less than 50 thousand bottles annually 😲;

❣️ Characterised by intense and complex aroma of ripped peach, dried apricot, hazelnut, honey and sweet spices, the key from good to great is to reach 𝒂 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒃𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒚.

💓 Last but not least, it is my favorite dessert wine! 🥰😇 

PS. you might be interested to know that most of these small wineries distill the pomace to make Grappa of Vino Santo. Sometimes this Grappa is matured in the barrels previously contained Vino Santo. It’s smooth and with great complexity. A worth trying for those who love brandy-alike drinks.

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