
【動手做】Pasta Angelo Rosso 紅天使義大利麵

Pasta Angelo RossoThe name, Pasta Angelo Rosso, was given by S who said that this delicious dish should have one.

I laughed at the idea of naming my creation. Because unlike Chinese cuisines, most pasta dishes have merely no specific names. Well at least for me that "spaghettini con pesto alla genovese e pistacchi" is not a name.


While tasting my creation, we brainstormed the names. "Capelli Rosso" was my idea but was rejected by S because "it is wired to use ‘hair’ as a name." Okay, I agree that imaging finding hair in your dish isn’t very appetizing!

兩人像是要幫孩子命名似地,很認真地在餐桌上一邊吃一邊想,我說叫 capelli rosso,他說,不好不好,菜名裡有 capelli (頭髮),感覺很怪的,還是簡單地叫 pasta 就好。
Pasta Angelo Rosso: the sauceFinally he announced the name of this dish is "Pasta Angelo Rosso" which means that in this dish, angel hair pasta is mixed with red tomato sauce and seafood.

最後,他煞有其事地宣布這道我的創意料理名為 Pasta Angelo Rosso,因為用的是天使髮麵,而配料又多是紅通通的蕃茄跟小蝦仁!

In face I’ve tried to search on the internet for proper recipe but I cannot find the one I want. Nevertheless, I learned what are suitable ingredients for making seafood tomato sauce.



Pasta Angelo Rosso: decoration材料:
一顆洋蔥 (1 onion)
500 公克的小蕃茄 (500g small tomatoes)
250 公克的蝦仁 (250 shrimps)
150 公克的花枝 (150 squid / calamari)
100 公克的 arugula (100g arugula / rucola)

兩三瓣大蒜 (2-3 cloves of garlic)
白酒 (white wine)
橄欖油 (olive oil q.s.)
義式香料 origano 及 basilico
黑胡椒、鹽 (pepper and salt)

1. 用橄欖油將蒜炒香後,加入洋蔥繼續翻炒至軟,再加入一切為四的小蕃茄煮至出水
2. 將去泥腸後的蝦仁與花枝一同放入鍋內一起翻炒
3. 香料跟鹽等請視自己喜好的程度,像菲姐一樣大膽地放入鍋內後,加入少許的高湯,蓋上鍋蓋繼續小火熬煮
4. 醬汁煮好之後,將 rucola 放入快速地拌勻,除增添色彩之外,也另添風味唷
5. 煮天使髮麵的時間要抓好,一樣請用自己的嘴巴試吃麵條來決定是否已經達到自己想要的軟硬度
6. 將麵條撈起後,可直接裝在盤中,或倒入有醬汁的鍋中拌勻後再裝盤

Why I didn’t put my cooking method in English? Because it requires better knowledge about jargons of cooking which I don’t have. I suggest to search on the internet for similar recipes.




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