
【2008 August】Maso Franch (Michelin 1-star restaurant)

2015 08 03 153532 17What is the main reason for one to choose to dine at the same restaurant again? Especially the restaurant one found occasionally on the way of a trip? For a like-change couple like us, the determine element is “an unforgettable dinning experience,” which contents hospitality, gourmet and overall environment. Base on this principle, we have decided to return Maso Franch for celebrating S’ birthday this year.

我們早在假期之前就決定再回到 Maso Franch 去慶祝S的生日,決定的原因其實很簡單,因為在 Maso Franch,我們感受到他們的好客、以及對食物的熱情,同時 Maso Franch 為我們去年的八月假期劃下美麗的句點。
2015 08 03 153533 39Having chosen to go for early lunch was because we like to celebrate as cozy and quiet as possible. Having arrived early, we had the opportunity to select where to sit. The table where we sat exactly the year before was again selected. I told the sommelier/waiter, the son of the Chef, who brought us menu that we were here dinning last year; surprisingly he remembered us, sitting at same table in last August. This is something we didn’t expect but shows us how attentive they are to customers.

這天,我們熟稔地走進 Maso Franch,初訪時的感覺都還歷歷在目,一年下來,溫馨精緻的感覺未有改變。選擇人不多的中午、並且提早抵達餐廳,我們有著選擇坐位的自由;挑選跟去年相同的座位,我跟送上菜單的侍者說,我們去年也來過啊!他回答著,是去年的八月、也是同一張桌子對嗎?我們並未期望他會記得,但,這樣小小的舉動,讓我們很感動,也看得出他們的用心。我笑著地跟S說,大概我們的中義組合,加上桌上又老放著相機,讓人印象深刻吧!

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搭配開胃氣泡酒的小點 Aperitif

I personally think a good restaurant should have a menu that demonstrates the Chef’s creativity. Base on this simple and subjective criterion, I judged Maso Franch as a good restaurant, especially when I opened the menu this year and couldn’t find any dish we’ve tried before. Since we like to exercise our freedom of choice, we selected our own first and second dishes even though the set menu looked tempting. To accompany our dishes, I took one glass of white wine for both while S selected two different red wines separately.

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“Welcome” from the kitchen 廚房
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我個人認為好餐廳應該是有個充滿創意的主廚,而基於這一很主觀的條件,當我翻開侍者送上的菜單、而找不到任何一道去年曾經嚐過的料理時,我就認定 Maso Franch 是間好餐廳了!菜單中有主廚推薦的套餐,但我跟S都喜歡能自由選擇的感覺,因此,只挑選了各自喜愛的餐點跟搭配的紅白酒,來慶祝這天。

The sommelier/waiter first brought us another aperitif saying that is the welcome from the kitchen. Very charming and successful way to concord gluttons like us. Our first dishes arrived after this welcome snack. Chef Markus Baumgartner created two firsts using but not limited to traditional Trentino ingredients; such as making tagliolini with porcini mushroom and cuttlefish, a combination normally would not appear on the table of a Trentino family. Or filling strudel, a common desert in this area, with speck and Alpine cheese. Another eye-open combination!

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Tagliolini with porcini & cuttlefish 山海一家的義大利麵
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Strudel filled with speck & cheese 填滿培根起士的鹹味 strudel

侍者在我們點餐完畢後送上廚房歡迎小點,這樣誘人之舉,很容易就贏到我這種小饕客的好感,品嚐完招待的小點之後,我們點的第一道菜便送上。除了採用義大利 Trentino 區的特有食材來料理外,主廚 Markus Baumgartner 也運用創意將不同地區的食材合併使用,以呈現不同的美味;例如,常被用來做燉飯、義大利麵的山味 porcini 香菇,在主廚的手中,與海味小烏賊圈結合,配上打成氣泡狀的醬汁,便是一道獨特的義大利麵。又例如S點的 strudel,原是此區常見的甜點,主廚則將她改造成填滿培根起士、風味濃郁的鹹點!

Finishing our first dishes, we were almost full but still liked to try our second dish. Cannot remember the exact name but for sure S’ meat dish was covered with pesto and mine fish dish had hidden mushrooms. I can only say both are with good quality and quantity at the same time.

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第一道吃完,我們兩人其實已經六分飽外加微醺,在此時,餐廳的女主人走上前,說著,方才上網查詢跟 Maso Franch 有關的訊息,看到了我上傳的照片跟 blog,馬上就認出了在用餐的我們是照片的主人,特地要跟我們道謝!這麼客氣的女主人,我第一次遇到呢!

A saying in Trentino dialect says “La bocca no la è straca finché no la sa de vaca. (The mouth won’t be tired if it doesn’t know the flavor of cheese.)” But I always believe that a good desert can make a meal complete and there’s always a space for it! That’s why we ordered one with different ice-creams and sorbets. Some sweet and some sour; it’s a perfect ending for us! This’ a restaurant I would like to recommend to whom travels to Trento and wants to have a good meal away from city crowd.

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Snack accompany with coffee 與咖啡搭配的小點心

在北義大利 Trentino 地區的方言有句俗諺,『不知牛味嘴不累』,牛味其實指得是起士這類的乳製品,但我總認為,甜點是可以為一餐饗宴劃下美麗句點,再說,吃得再飽,肚子裡都還是有甜點的空間!就這樣,我們點了一道冰冰涼涼的甜點,有酸有甜,真是合胃和味啊!

延伸閱讀:【2007 August】米其林一星的 Maso Franch

Maso Franch http://www.masofranch.it
Maso Franch 2, 38030 Giovo (TN)

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