
【隨手記】11 luglio 2007: Mi piace una giornata come oggi

First time I heard about this name Diana Krall, the Canadian Jazz signer, was back to several years ago when Caroline, one of my best friends, hung out a lot. That day we were in a small Jazz pub having girls’ talk. The pub’s name is Blue Note, but not the famous chain from US. The owner loves Jazz and Blues and has had the pub opened for more than 20 years. That day he played the live record of Diana Krall’s concert in Paris. Both Caroline and I felt in love immediately with her voice.

第一次聽到 Diana Krall 這個名字,是好多年前的事情。那時,我跟好友C經常聚在一起,找間小館聊著姊妹心事。那天,我們坐在台北羅斯福路與師大路口的藍調,聊著一如往常的話題。這間藍調,跟之前說過的Blue Note Milano並沒有關係,台北這間小小的藍調的主人,是個愛音樂的人,開著這間餐廳已經近廿年。那天晚上,他在店裡播放著的,便是 Diana Krall 在巴黎演唱會的現場錄音。就在那天,我跟好友C同時愛上了她的聲音及她的音樂。
Later Diana Krall came to Taipei for a concert. Since then I am obsessed by her voice and her music. Time flies; the moment I had to pack for my study in Holland, the only thing that I kept reminding myself was the only CD I had of Diana Krall. That CD was exactly the same one that I heard the other night when I knew her. Unfortunately the CD was somehow lost; still I remembered her singing.

後來,Diana Krall 到台北來演出,那場音樂會,讓我深深地對她的音樂著迷。時光飛逝,當到我準備打包行李到荷蘭唸書時,我依舊念念不忘一定要帶上我僅有的Diana Krall CD,因為那張 CD 也就是 Diana Krall 在巴黎演唱會的現場錄音!可惜的是,不知怎麼地,我竟遺失了那張 CD,雖然懊惱,但我的腦海中卻經常響起她的歌聲。

Thanks to YouTube, I found a nice video of her with the song I love very much. Now I enjoy the view from my balcony with a coup of tea or coffee while listening her singing The Look of Love. Oh, yes, that’s why I said I like a day like today.

感謝 YouTube 近年來的發跡,我得以從上頭找到我最喜歡的那首歌。現在,我可以捧著一杯熱茶或熱咖啡,坐在我的客廳裡,看著窗外的美景,聽著 Diana Krall 低沉地唱著 The Look of Love。啊~這叫我怎麼能不喜歡呢?

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wbGYHwIt0A]

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