

Obsessed by the music is the conclusion I drew after watching three movies about pianist in recent years.

這幾年,看了三部跟鋼琴師有關的電影,每一部電影都讓我感動萬分,想跟大家分享。2015 08 03 153327 82The first movie is "The Legend of 1900", a story about a talent pianist. He was found abandoned, grew up and lived the whole his life on a large ship. Whenever he is happy or sad, he plays. When he found that beautiful girl but didn’t know how to tell her his feeling, he used his music to tell.


In general this is a lovely movie that touches your heart. You don’t feel much pain or other strong emotions but you can find tenders and love. The music in this movie is simply touching that I would like to listen again and again.

看這部電影會覺得裡頭的音樂觸動人心,即使 1900 在最後葬身海底,但我並未感受到如另外兩部電影般強烈的傷痛。電影中的音樂出自大師之手,雖非我最愛的古典,但卻會讓人想一聽再聽,重溫電影的每個片段。

IMDb的 "La Leggenda del pianista sull’oceano"
開眼電影的 "海上鋼琴師 The legend of 1900"

The Pianist movieBoth the 2nd movie "THE PIANIST" and 3rd "SHINE" are adapted from real stories of real pianists. "THE PIANIST" tells a story about Władysław Szpilman, a famous Polish Jewish pianist tried to survive during the World War II when he was just a gentle young man who can interpret very well Chopin. Although he lost his family when World War II started, Szpilman strove to survive. One of the things that support him till the end was his enthusiasm about music, about playing piano.

第二部及第三部跟鋼琴師有關的電影都是改編自真人故事,『戰地琴人 THE PIANIST』改編自波蘭籍的猶太鋼琴師 Władysław Szpilman 的自傳,主要講述的,是他如何在第二次世界大戰中求生存。Szpilman 他最喜歡也詮釋得最好的,是蕭邦的音樂。在二次世界大戰中,他在被送到集中營前就失去了他的家人,但秉持著要生存下去的意念及對音樂的熱愛,他苟延殘喘地生存了下來。最後,當他被德國軍官發現時,也是他的演奏讓他生存了下來。

The movie was also terrifying because the director Roman Polanski had made them as real and true as possible all those scenes about World War II. I couldn’t stop crying when watching because of the extreme pain I felt. Apart from the great music, this movie is also a good material for teaching younger generation about wars and their catastrophic results.

這部電影其實也很駭人,因為曾經歷過二次世界大戰的導演 Roman Polanski,將這部電影拍得像是二次大戰記錄片,每一個場景都真實地讓人感受到當時人們所受的苦痛,也讓我在看電影時止不住淚水。我想,除了電影中流洩出的美妙音樂值得推薦之外,它也是最好的歷史教材,讓未經歷過戰爭的世代可以看到戰爭的恐怖及其所帶來的無止盡的殤慟。

Official site 官方網站 http://www.thepianistmovie.com
IMDb的 "The Pianist"
開眼電影的 "戰地琴人 The Pianist"

Shine ver1The third movie about pianist was "Shine", a story about an Australian pianist David Helfgott. In the movie, David Helfgott had a very strict father who was obsessed by Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3. David had shown his talent of playing piano when he was very young and ever since then, his father continued trying to make him play Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No.3, a difficult piece that most masters would agree. Perhaps because of all the invisible pressure he had bore, he had a mental breakdown. The movie was sad: a father who loved his son in his own way but at the end, his son couldn’t take it any more. It was sad also because a son who loved his father very much but he never had chance to tell his true feelings before his father died. S and I watched the movie together; we also cried together because of the sadness even though the movie had a happy ending.

第三部電影是『鋼琴師 Shine』,故事改編自現在仍持續演出的澳洲籍鋼琴師 David Helfgott 的故事。電影中,David 有一位非常嚴厲卻也相當喜愛古典音樂的父親。當年幼的 David 展現出他在音樂上的天賦之後,他的父親就不斷地耳提面命,告訴他終有一天 David 會彈奏超高難度的拉赫曼尼亞諾夫第三號鋼琴協奏曲。最後,David 終於彈奏這首高難度的曲目,但或許也是因為多年來無形的壓力,在彈完的同時,他也喪失了他的神智。這部電影相當地悲哀,你在電影中看到一位父親,他用自己的方式愛著自己的兒子,但卻造成兒子精神上永久的傷害。在電影中你也看到一位尊敬並深愛父親的兒子,一直到他父親過世之前,他都未能親口告訴他的父親自己真正的感受。這部電影的結局即使是相當地溫馨感人,但我跟S卻都感受到那隱藏著的痛楚。

What is interesting is the totally different side of David Helgott’s story which was disclosed by his elder sister. I decided not to tell anything about that because I don’t think that a movie should be always real. Those who are interested in the "realities", I am sure there are lots to read on the internet.

有趣的是,這部電影在上映之後,引起了相當大的爭議,其中,David Helgott 的親姐姐站出來說明『真相』。在這裡我就不多做贅述故事的另一面,因為我認為電影不需要永遠都是真實的。但,如果有朋友對於『真相』有興趣,我相信拜一下孤狗大神就可以找到很多相關的訊息。

開眼電影的 "鋼琴師 Shine"
IMDb的 "Shine"



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