
【Roaming‧行腳】Basilica San Marco in Milan 米蘭的聖馬可教堂

When talking about Basilica di San Marco people usually think about that beautiful church in Venice. Nevertheless in Milan there is another Basilica San Marco, which is less ancient, less famous, but is as worthy to visit as the one in Venice. The San Marco church in Milan is famous of it length: 96 meters which seems to be endless. It’s structured as a Latin cross with three naves divided by pillars.  The church, like many other churches in Italy, hosts some beautiful frescoes.

當提到聖馬可教堂時,大部分的人都會直覺反應是在威尼斯的美麗教堂;其實,由於教堂本來就都是以聖人的名字來命名,因此,米蘭也有個聖馬可教堂就不那麼地奇怪了。米蘭的聖馬可教堂雖然不比威尼斯的有名或古老,但她卻也值得花上一點時間來參觀。米蘭的聖馬可教堂是以她的長度而著名,總長 96 公尺,象徵著永無止盡或永恆。教堂的形狀更是以古老的拉丁十字為基礎,內部由一根根地石柱隔成三條長廊。跟義大利的許多教堂一樣,米蘭的聖馬可教堂也收藏了一些具有歷史的藝術作品,以及壁畫。

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Apart from the art and the details it has, San Marco church in Milan is important also in terms of the musical history. For instance when Mozart was still a young boy, he had stayed here for three month. And Giovanni Battista Sammartini, known as "the father of the symphony", had also been here. In 1874 the world-famous Verdi had conducted Requiem, one of his works, in this church. Having known all these stories, I was honored to be there for the Easter concer this year. Although I haven’t figured out yet when the church is open for tourist visit; I am truly looking forward to visit it again in the near future.

米蘭的聖馬可教堂除了看得見的壁畫及建築藝術之外,她在音樂歷史上更算是佔有一席之地。例如,年輕的莫札特就曾經在這裡住過三個月,更不可忘記的是,被稱之為交響樂之父的 Sammartini 也曾到過此處。義大利著名的歌劇音樂家 Verdi 更是在 1874 年,在這裡親自指揮他的其中一部作品 Requiem!在知道這個叫唐輝煌的音樂歷史之後,我更是覺得能夠到這兒聽那場復活節前的音樂會是非常值得的事。雖然我還沒搞清楚教堂究竟什麼時候開放給民眾參觀,但我相當期待在不久的將來,我能夠再度踏入米蘭的聖馬可教堂,好好地觀賞她的美。

Related Article 相關文章:【Music 樂章】復活節前的受難 Matthäus Passion at Basilica San Marco in Milan 

Related Information 相關資訊:San Marco (Italian)

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