
【米蘭.酒地方】Sotto Sotto 中國城街轉角的酒食餐廳

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在米蘭的週末就是要到處嚐鮮啊!(English version at the end of the article.)

這次,帶著閨蜜們 (還有一個閨蜜的老公) 到 SottoSotto 酒食館喝酒聊是非。Sotto Sotto 位在米蘭的中國城 (via Paolo Sapri) 尾端、一個頗為安靜的轉角,2018 下半年開張,冷色系的現代極簡裝潢,但木製的桌子與層架為整個空間增添了另一種溫度。

走進 SottoSotto 酒食館像是走進酒窖,小小空間被酒包圍著。看著周遭陳列的酒瓶,問起酒單才知道,SottoSotto 只在 aperitif 菜單上有列出單杯酒款,但沒有列印出來的單瓶酒單,店裡有近 200 多款葡萄酒,也就是架上陳列的那些。

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當晚在 SottoSotto 喝的酒款

除了供應 aperitif 小食或 salumi 拼盤之外,SottoSotto 酒食館也有個開放式小廚房,可以提供午餐與晚餐。個人覺得 aperitif 的小食都還不錯,mini burger 味道頗正,不過當晚我點的慢燉三層肉有點柴,但本著不能以一盤菜就打翻一間餐廳的精神,我需要再多嚐個幾道才能真正下定論!



Tried out a relatively new wine place in Milan!

It’s called SottoSotto, an enoteca/wine bar at a junction of a quiet street and reborn Via Paolo Sarpi (aka Milan’s Chinatown district). Not only aperitif snacks, but it serves also decent lunch and dinner.

I liked the overall ambiance: clean modern minimalism design mixed the warmth-feeling wooden furniture. Though without a printed wine list, SottoSotto does have a great selection (ca. 200 labels) of wines which are on all the shelves you can see. It opens from 11:30 to 23:30, both bar & kitchen non-stop.

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SottoSotto Milano https://www.facebook.com/sottosottomilano.it/
營業時間:每日 11:30-23:30,週二 17:30-23:30
地址:Via Alfredo Albertini 8, Milano (Via Paolo Sapri 交叉口)

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